IEEE C62.92.6-2017 IEEE Guide for Application of Neutral Grounding in Electrical Utility Systems, Part VI--Systems Supplied by Current-Regulated Sources
This guide is intended for application to three-phase electrical utility systems and is Part VI of the IEEE C62.92¿¿¿ series. This part provides definitions and considerations related to system grounding where the dominant sources of system energization are current-regulated or power-regulated power conversion devices.
This guide defines neutral grounding in the context of current-regulated and power-regulated sources and presents basic considerations of the selection of neutral grounding parameters that will provide for the control of overvoltage on three-phase electrical utility systems in which such sources are dominant.
New IEEE Standard - Active.Applications to three-phase electrical utility systems are described in this Part VI of the IEEE C62.92¿¿¿ series. Definitions and considerations related to system grounding where the dominant sources of system energization are current-regulated or power-regulated power conversion devices are provided.